Tuesday 12 March 2013

Final magazine cover

Here is my final magazine poster, I decided to keep the colour scheme from my second cover attempt as it stands out against the background image but also contrasts well and does not stand out or overpower the background image. One thing I like about my cover is the overall composition I like how all of the information/stories are set to the bottom half of the cover so that when you look at the cover you focus on the image first and relate it to the poster and then you read the writing underneath it to explain. I also like how the stories that aren't as important as the main headline are at the very bottom of the page but are still highlighted so you focus on them still but its not the first thing that catches your attention. I like the image on my cover one reason being because it relates to my film poster, but I also like how it is not like a typical image that you would normally see on a magazine cover as the model is not facing you directly which this may intrigue people in to picking up my magazine. Another thing I like is the overall look of the magazine I think it does not look like your typical magazine and is more indie and less mainstream which is the type of audience I wanted to relate my magazine cover towards as it is the type I want for my film trailer.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Practice magazines

Here is my first attempt at creating a magazine cover, I created this piece with the inspiration from sight and sound magazine. I like how I have used my own image that relates to my film poster so that when people see my magazine they will know it involves my film due to the style and the image used. I also like the placement of the title of my magazine as I wanted to keep it separate to the image and not crowd my magazine cover, although I do not like the title of my magazine so will change that in my next attempt at a cover. The placement in the barcode is in a good place so I will keep that the same on my next attempt as it is in the corner out of the way so you do not focus on it but you still know it is there. I like the idea of keeping all of my writing separate to the rest of my cover as it is all in one place and easy to focus on. Although I like certain things about my cover overall I did not like it and did not think it was of a good enough quality to use as my final.

Here is my second attempt at creating a magazine cover, since I liked the sight and sound covers a lot I decided to use the title that the have and the style with a slight change as I think it would go well with the style of my image as they are both quite indie magazines. I kept the same image throughout making my magazine cover as it was my favourite image as it is not one you would normally see in magazines and it related to my poster. I like the idea of having a quote from someone relating to my film next to the person on the image so I decided to move it slightly to overlap with the image but I did not like it as I thought it distracted too much from the actual image. Also I like having a 'plus' section on my poster but I do not like the placement of it on here as it looks out of place and too staggered with the other piece of text.

This is my third attempt at creating my magazine cover, I decided to slightly change the colour  scheme so that it was different to the sight and sound logo but I do not like how it does not stand out well against the background and the red text blends in with the background. Although I do like the positioning of the quote better as since it is underneath the model it helps relate the two to each other better and just looks like it is in a better positioning all together. I also like how the 'plus' section has been moved to  a box at the bottom of the page which separates it from the rest of cover, although I do not like the white and black writing together as it looks too bright and out of place for this type of magazine.