Monday 22 April 2013

Time management

After creating my magazine cover and poster I moved on to creating my movie trailer, I then had finished filming and editing my video. Although after trying to find my trailer again I had realised that some of my footage had gone missing so by Thursday 25th April I am hoping to have re-filmed my footage and edit it in to the missing spaces in my existing trailer.

Thursday 18 April 2013

character profiles

For my trailer I am using 4 females around the age of 17/18

Name: Nicola Lowes
Age: 17
Interests: dancing, music, socialising
Relationship: best friends with other girls in trailer
Description: brown hair, green eyes, slightly pale
Height: 5ft 5inch

 Name: Cherry McCall
Age: 17

Interests: dancing, music, socialising
Relationship: best friends with other girls in trailer
Description: brown eyes, brown hair, slightly tanned
Height: 5ft 10inch

 Name: Devon Perry
Age: 17

Interests: socialising, photography, music
Relationship: best friends with other girls in trailer
Description: blonde hair, blue eyes, pale
Height: 5ft 2inch

Name: Anya Muncaster
Age: 18

Interests: socialising, music, drinking
Relationship: best friends with other girls in trailer and is the main character with the most to say
Description: blonde hair, blue eyes, slightly pale
Height: 5ft 8inch

Target audience

My target audience for my media trailer, poster and magazine is teenagers starting from around 16 up to people in their early 20's. It is for both males and females but of an indie group. With my audience being of the indie group they will want a film that is quite slow key, that not many people will go and see and that would be of a low budget typical independent film. Seeing as though they will want it to be quite low key I will only have 4 main actors in my trailer so that it looks as though they are saving on budget, I will also use just quick shots of footage so that it will only attract my target audience by the way the shots are used and also the clothing and speech used by the actors. Also for my magazine and poster I will use simple images that are not over complicated and will use minimum text, also there will be a laid back theme to my work as people who are in to an indie genre are laid back and do not care.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Potential Problems

Potential problems that may occur when taking images for my print work and filming for my trailer could be the people I am filming may not be able to make it so therefore I will over come this by having extra people as backups so therefore I know I will have someone there to film always.
Another problem could be the weather if it rains or snows I will not be able to film so therefore to manage this problem I will check weather forecasts in advance and plan my filming around the days where the weather is suitable.
One more problem could be that I may not be able to get a camera when I want to film so therefore I will book a camera out of college so I know I have one to use.