Friday 17 August 2012

Inspiration 2

Paranormal activity trailer

I like this trailer as it shows the film from people in a cinemas point of view and shows you how they respond to it, I think this is a good idea as when people watch the trailer it will make them want to go and see the film to see if they will react like that or if the people in the trailer were just being over dramatic.  I also like how throughout the trailer there are quotes from newspapers/magazines etc saying how good the film is, which is what I will try to use throughout my own trailer as people are easily influenced about what others think of films. One of the main things I like about the trailer is how they have put bruises on the actress to make it look as though they are mysteriously there which is what I may try and use in my own work as it adds more tension to the audience when watching.  Also I like how near the end of the trailer it starts speeding up and you see the girl rocking on the floor and the man being thrown across the room which makes people question the trailer right at the end and want to know what is happening, this is what I will do in my own trailer leave people questioning. Finally what I may take from this trailer is the demand button at the end of the clip where people who see the trailer on the internet can demand for it to be in a screening near them.

Monday 13 August 2012

Inspiration 1

The Blair Witch Project trailer

The Blair Witch project was my the first trailer that inspired me due to the fact that it was an old horror that was well known for it being a 'found footage' film and not many people make these type of films, also everyone knows about The Blair Witch Project even if they havent watched it before.

One aspect I like about the trailer is at the very beginning where there is a short paragraph giving you a teaser to what the film is about and making you want to watch the rest of the trailer which I will try and use in my own trailer. I also like how there is random images of the woods/forest going on as well as news stories about the people in the film but also quite dramatic luring music going on in the background, for my own trailer I want to try and use this type of music as I think it builds up tension for the viewer and makes them want to watch even more.

Although I do not like how the trailer only shows the smallest amount of the actual 'found footage' at the end, I think more should have been shows to make the viewer more interested in the trailer as they would know more of what has happened.


After looking at the A2 briefs I could choose to create I made a decision to create:
-A promotion package for  a new film which will include a teaser trailer, a poster of the film and either a website for the film or a film magazine front cover featuring the film.

I decided to choose this breif as previously in my A/S work I only created a magazine so had never created any form of film or trailer, so by doing this I can learn about a new aspect of media and learn about the different programmes and aspects which are used to help create a trailer. But also use my skills of 2D programmes from A/S for my poster for the film. This brief will make me think more of shot types, angle shots, music, costumes etc which I did not have to think about in my previous year when creating a magazine

The type of trailer I will be creating is a Horror, I will be making my horror seem as though it it is found footage from the woods or a home. I have chosen this idea as not many horrors are based on 'found footage' and I would like my work to be different than others.