Thursday 13 September 2012


Genre- Horror/Thriller.
Cast- four females aged 17/18- Blair Witch Project

Story line of film - The three members of cast travel in to the woods for a camping trip, while there unsual things start to happen to each of them such as the video camera starts to break up (goes fuzzy), things start to go missing.
There is someone/something in the woods that is taking members of the group
Then  people in the group start to go missing and there is eventually one person left who is panicking, crying, upset
The person in the woods eventually takes the final person, and then will wonder off in to the woods.
Finally the footage they have took is found by an investigation group.

Story line of trailer (Actual idea piece for A2 coursework)-
Starts by showing an opening scene of wording saying what basically has happened like what the blair witch has.
Then goes to a long shot of all of the teenagers walking in to the woods dancing with music playing and laughing.
Then fades in to a shot of them sitting down talking, drinking, laughing when its night lit with a camp fire and torches.
then goes to a long shot of just one person with the camera moving along them to show the woods in the background you can vaguely see a black figure in the background.
there is then a sound of twigs snapping and you see all three teenagers looking at each other asking 'did you hear something?'
After this it then changes to peoples faces flashing up across the screen is a quick motion these shots will be hand held so that they are shaky and look quite dramatic. The sound to these shots will be wind, people panting, screaming and the sound of leaves crunching on the ground so that it sounds like they are running.
I also may play some dramatic music in these scenes.
The final shot is the camera on the ground and all you can see is someone walking away in to the forest.
Then there will be credits and a demand button.

Location/Time- Forest/Woods during the day and night in autumn/winter.

Props- I will not need any props due to my footage just being a short trailer that includes just short clips of a film mainly of trees and peoples places

Costumes-  Winter clothing but with an indie style such as parkas, skinny jeans, vans/converse, backpacks, hats.
Photo 1 of Short Turn Up Beanie

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