Tuesday 7 May 2013

Evaluation question 2

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In my opinion I think that in certain aspects my main product is effective towards the audience. One reason that I think this is effective is due to the way that the opening to my trailer consists of a piece of text explaining how teenagers have disappeared, I think this is effective as when the audience sees this it puts them on edge and makes them curious as to why the teenagers disappeared and how it happened. I also think that when people see this piece of text they will expect to get a lot of information in the short trailer about how they have gone missing, but by the end of the trailer they still do not know what has happened and this will make them even more curious and in suspense to go and see the film to see how they went missing and what sort of event happened to start all of this off. Another reason I think my trailer is effective is due to the way my clips are short and in between there are short black clips meaning that when people watch  the trailer all the way throughout they will not know what to expect as the shots are quite fast and when it dips to black they will get a shock at the next shot that comes up on the screen. One more reason my trailer is effective is due to the font used for the text at the beginning and end of the trailer it is quite a formal text that you would see in a documentary which is what I wanted to portray in my own work as when people look at it they may associate it to the type of film like 'The Blair Witch Project' and this may make them want to go see the film more if it is like this.

I would say that my ancilliary texts are more effective to my audience than my main product, as creating print work is my stronger point rather than creating videos and I was able to create a more succesful piece. In my opinion I would say that my movie poster is really effective when my audience look at it. One reason I  would say that my poster is effective is due to the way the model is central in the page and she is looking right up at you seeing as though her head is slightly tilted, this is effective as she is meeting the onlooker in the eye and is entising them to look at her, this will catch the viewers attention and make them want to read the poster and hopefully will give them a boost to go and see my film. Also I find it to be effective due to the red tint used across my poster this relates to the horror theme my work is based on as red is the colour of danger, blood and is usually associated with this genre so when people see it they will know what type of movie it is and be able to tell straight away if it is something they would want to see. Another way this poster is effective is due to the type writer font used it makes it seem like a sort of documented film and people will associate this to 'The Blair Witch Project' that my trailer is inspired by and will make them want to go see this film to compare it with others of this style and genre.

I also find that my magazine cover is effective due to the fact it is a simple design that just gives you the inital information and a quote related to the film that I want to promote so that is the main focus of my magazine when people focus on it, also again it uses the type writer font so that again is like a documentary style. It is also effective due to the title used and the overall colour scheme style of that title is similar to the one used by an indie magazine already so when people look at my magazine it will attract the indie type of audience that I want to read it and will also create a bigger audience for my trailer. Also the section across the bottom gives some information about the other content in my magazine but seeing as though it is brief it will just tease the reader and make them want to read on to find out about this in more detail.

I think that all three of my products contrast well together and together make for a effective piece. One reason I think this is due to the font used in all three is the same type writer style so that when people see it they will relate it to each of the pieces they have seen, or if they have seen one piece they will notice this font on another piece and it will make them want to look at it more as they will want to find out more than what they already know. I also think that the use of the same model on my two ancillary texts is effective as people will realte the two but question why on one she is so keen to look at the camera but on the other she is determined to not face it meaning that it adds a sense of mystery to my work and will constantly have people quetioning it. Due to all three of my products being quite simple it leaves a lot to the imagination of the person either reading my pieces of text or watching my trailer so therefore they can create their own stories for my film and it will make them question all of my work and be curious to see what is actually going to happen in the film and they will eventually want to go and see it which will create a bigger audience for my film.

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